There is always a path forward.

There is always a path forward.

Fontas Advisors is a boutique government affairs consultancy serving New York, New Jersey, and California. We partner with innovative leaders to drive impact by providing political inroads, policy and regulatory expertise, and strategic planning.


Our team has delivered results for leading brands including:

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Government affairs capabilities that change outcomes.

Fontas Advisors serves the next-generation needs of corporations, nonprofits, and trade associations operating in, and partnering with, New York, New Jersey, and California.


Execute advocacy strategies targeting the right decision makers with tailored messages to achieve your goals.


Community Relations
Leverage the community’s voice to amplify your narrative and move policymakers to action.


Real Estate Services
Anticipate and strategize for every contingency from project approval to Certificate of Occupancy.


Business Development
Identify opportunities to grow through partnership with government, legislative action, and procurement.


Get in Touch

Need a seat at the table? Let us be your bridge to government.
